It’s that time of the year again… when people are ready to bid a farewell to the present year and welcome the next one, when invariably everyone, every year says, “Shit man!! This year passed so quickly!” It’s the time when you reflect on what happened, what was inevitable, what could have been changed and it is also the time of resolutions. No matter how short the span of our resolutions be, these little friends do dare to pop their head up every year. But, not for me you’re your honour. Saalo pehle , yours truly took a resolution which was “I will never take a resolution” and I am proud to say, I stick by it till today! See!! Some of us do not break our promises to ourselves! :) Please don’t take me wrong. I believe in new beginnings. But somehow trying to change on a new year and then finally not sticking to it had become such a cliché that I decided to refrain from it. And anyway, you do not need a change of a year to change yourself. You just need a change of your heart and strong will power.
As for me, 2011 was one hell of a year! City change, company change and actually an entire 180 degrees life change. This year would go down in my memory as the year when I met the most wonderful people and had some amazing trips. I can tell my kids “It was year 2011 when I saw Laddakh and when I went on my first trek trip which was followed by many others and did many other crazy things. “ I wish that later I will add “…. And kids, year 2012 was the year when I went to Europe for the first time.”
It’s that time of the year again. If a change of date triggers a change in you, so be it! Just make sure the change is for good. Gentlemen, throw that cigarette away. Trust me; it does not make you look cool. It makes you look weak and villanish. Ladies, lets bitch a little less! I know there is this “ajeeb sa sukoon” when we bitch, but really, we can cut that down … right?
Lets exercise, read, travel the world, throw away the anger and smile some more! Lets get in touch with old friends, revive the forgotten ones, eat some interesting cuisines and learn a new language! Lets just do whatever makes us happy!!
Have a happy, smiling, crackling, crazy new year!