Sunday, February 13, 2011

Dilli ki ladki!

The one thing I am really going to miss about Delhi is the crowd. And by crowd I mean the real Delhi crowd. The hunks and the divas. We went to GK today and more than my shopping, I was actually enjoying noticing all the people around me. Though it may sound weird, but i think the girls are more worth noticing (read admiring) than the guys. Now please stop those naughty horses in your brain. I love guys! I really do. But a thing (or person) worth admiring, should be admired. Truly, Delhi is a perfect place for guys to find what we call "Eye Tonics". I mean some of the girls here (and I mean Delhi and not NOIDA) look like they have freshly returned from the parlour. One girl I saw had a skin to die for! It was glowing big time and one does not have to touch it to know how smooth it was. It looked as smooth as satin (or whatever is the smoothest thing ... feel free to put your metaphor)and she looked beautiful. Then ofcourse there is my favorite look. Long straight hair, flicks and those broad frame glasses. Saw 2-3 girls with that look. Alas my attempt to don the same look could not be succeded because A) I dont have straight hair and so the flicks would go haywire (as rightly pointed out by the hairdresser) and B) broad frame glasses did not agree with my face (this Prabhjot and I both noticed) There is something about Delhi girls ... They make a very simple piece of dress look great on them. They accecorise, they mix and match and most importantly, they carry it with such great panache that it looks wonderful.
Probably, they do go that extra mile in "maintaining" themselves but I really don't see any harm in that unless they have their heads over their shoulders. I hope, one day I will have the same elegance. Maybe this would be one (more) lesson I would be taking from Delhi.
Oh and tomorrow by the way is Valentines day! For the general knowledge, it is celebrated because some saint died on this day honouring the love of a couple (Thats all i know, but i am sure most ppl dont even know this!!). Mostly commercialised, this day is giving Diwali a competion in celebration. The day it seems is not far away when it will be declared as a global holiday. Anyway, Mr. Manager msged the "team" -- "lets celebrate V-Day tommoroww. Dress code red" My ass!!!! As if the "team" is so bonded in love!
Anyway , I am going on a date tommorow (Ha! .. Keep guessing) and I am sure I will have funnnn 'cos I always have fun with my "date" !!
So, in the end ..Delhi Girls rock and as i always say and will emphasise it more today in honour of tommorow "Let there be lots of love in the world!!"

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