Friday, March 11, 2011

Changing equations

Life is weird. No cliches. I mean it. It really is weird. Relationships change. For good or for bad .. but they change.

The person you cannot imagine your life without , may become hardly an acquaintance. Decent hello and hi or probably not even that. A stranger can become dearer than life. Friends become family and sometimes family becomes less frequent. A person who is introduced as your lead becomes an elder brother figure. The first person you meet in college and hit off really well may turn out to be "just a someone i know" over the years. A room mate becomes closer than a sister!

These changing equations make me wonder. Who is there for life? I fear that the people whom i love so much today, will they stay with me forever? But nobody stays forever. They depart. But then isn't every person unique? Everyone has a different story to narrate and different story to offer. Yes Equations change. People change. But memories don't.

How really strange is the world and stranger are the ways!


Unknown said...

Deep inside, nobody is stranger. Nothing is strange :)

Sam David said...

Super re... Its too good... But some ppl will never leave...

Unknown said...

Hopefully Sam :)