Friday, April 3, 2015

As I see the world -- Day 13

I see the world through a rear view  mirror ..
Just that this one works a bit in reverse
Objects or people appear farther than they really seem
I see the world trapped in a colorful soap bubble
And so I see rainbows everywhere I go
I know the truth of course ..I know that for every time I complain about how life sucks
There is someone who has real reasons to cry and yet they must be probably smiling at a tiny butterfly
I see the world through a frosted glass ... I see only a hazy picture and yet I am ready to believe that what I see is the truth
I see the world through the eyes of shouting journalists and internet trolls
I see what they want me to see 
I see the world through a sand storm ...lost,squinting,tired
I wish the storm settles down
So that for once I see the world clearly, without the layers, without the veils,
I wish to see the real faces behind the facade
I wish to see the world just through my eyes

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