Monday, June 7, 2010


The one word that changed the lives of several people on earth and will keep doing so till eternity. Men and women , however, perceive it differently. I mean ... if you ask a woman what love to her is , chances are she would all go misty eyed and mushy and talk about things like candle light dinners, long walks by the beach side holding hands, flowers get the picture. Whereas a man ... he may probably say -- you know ---the 3 letter thing which all men enjoy .. I am not saying it for all the men in the world but if you consider it ...isn't it that way? Aren't men only interested in sports score and *** ?? When a woman falls in love, trust me, she will not look beyond her man and still stand on her own. He becomes her world. He becomes her biggest strength and she can win all her battles with just him on her side.
she gives him her life and asks only for love, trust and support. How many men actually do that? How many men do not look at ( read ogle) another girls while they are still committed or worse,married? When a man feels his marriage is collapsing, he looks for support outside. When a woman feels her marriage collapsing, she tries every trick in the book to make it work.
I , in no way, intend to make this article a battle of the sexes. These are just some points I wonder about. But its just how I feel.
Why do you think most of the most romantic books are written by women? Probably because the authors know that that's how a woman wants to be treated. Actually sometimes I do feel that women become a little selfish in only wanting to be pampered. They cannot have the "me" time all the time. But I guess most of us do understand that. A woman expects a man to do something. A man however demands a woman to do whatever he wants him to do. Some men are happy with their wives only because they are easy to dominate. They (the wives) would listen to them without actually giving their own opinions. Isn't it unfair and sad?
Girls spend all their lives waiting for that perfect one. I hope and wish every girl gets her prince charming.
If you ask me where did I go with this article ... I really cannot say. I just typed and tried to (unsuccessfully) connect a few of my thoughts. However , this is what I want to say in the end.
According to greek mythology, humans were originally created with 4 arms, 4 legs and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, zeus split them into two separate parts, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves.

1 comment:

Raks said...

I don't agree with you dear