Of course commitments are huge responsibilities. Although I kind of missed writing a post yesterday, I will make up for it – pretty soon. It has been an unexpectedly tiring weekend and tomorrow is going to be tiring again.
I lived a really embarrassing moment today. I am not sure if this happens with others, but I have a problem in me. If I see some person regularly, I build an acquaintance with them. In my head, I ‘know’ them. Of course, I am not supposed to know them because we have never met or spoken. I sometimes tend to forget that. I have a one smile relationship with a lot of people in office because of this exact reason. I see them almost every day, I give them a name in my head and when they cross me, I register them in my mind like any other acquaintance.
Back to the embarrassing moment-- it has 2 aspects. Here‘s the first one. Last year, I was extremely lucky to have attended a play called ‘Gasha’ – a story of a Kashmiri refugee. It is my favourite play so far. The story was brilliant, the direction amazing and the actors outstanding! The play was enacted by only 2 actors and one of the actors is called Sandip Shikhar. I have seen 2 plays by the same actor and I believe he frequents Ranga Shankara a lot because I have seen him there many times.
Moving on to the second aspect – I had gone to Atta Galata to visit a friend who is a poet, actor and a writer. Before I move on, here is a small addition to the facts. Whenever I visit this said friend, he always introduces me to someone new (Ya –he is a popular guy) —and I tend to get pretty confused the next time I meet them.
Anyway, this is how it happened -- I walked in Atta Galata, saw the friend, and as always greeted him. He gestured his hands towards the table to his right and said, “We have just wrapped up everything.” My head turned with his hand and I saw Sandip sitting there.
Conversations in my head that happened over a fraction of a second:
Voice 1: Very known face, I have seen him somewhere.
Voice 2 : You say it for almost everyone. The auto driver looked like a colleague to you.
Voice 1: Yes, but this time I am sure.
Voice 2: Someone we met at this friend’s house?
Voice 1 : Ya …. Maybe
Voice 1 and 2 : Hi bolde, baad main yaad aa he jayega kaun hai (atleast say a Hi, We will definitely remember who is he )
Me : (Looking at Sandip) Hey, Hi!!
Sandip (Sheepishly) :Hi (really meek hi)
Voice 1 and 2 : Oh damn he is that Gasha actor guy! What are the damage control strategies? Say something! Explain, talk!
Me: Oh I am sorry; I am not supposed to know you. I have seen your plays – Sorry!
Everyone else at the table has a hearty laugh.
Voice 1 and 2: Seriously?
Voice 3: Please go in the corner and behave as if you don’t exist.
I walked away, hoping to hide, probably camouflage myself inside a book shelf.
Yes, besides reading and watching movies, being socially awkward is something I excel at. Sigh!!
See you tomorrow!
1 comment:
:) relived that moment
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