I came across this wonderful comic site called Zen Pencils. The comic phrasing Alan Watts pleased me the most. Such a thought liberates your mind, although the body feels captivated instead. But , what if really, money was no object? What if we did not have to think about "security", "savings" or "settling down". What if being an engineer, a doctor, an MBA graduate, owning a car, a house were not the measure of a person's success?
They say 'what' and 'if' are two harmless words as harmless they can be. But put them together and they have the power to haunt you for the rest of your life. If I had no "responsibilities" to think of, I would have definitely been a travel journalist. Because, what is life if it is spent in a corner, without ever getting to know, what was out there to explore? There are sunrises and sunsets that take your breath away, there are luxuries that let you fly and realities that bring you down. There are people to meet and talk to, who give a completely new set of thoughts to think about and dishes, whose taste would be alien to our palette. Did you know that lake hilier in Australia is pink in colour?
Did you know about Giethroon , a city with no roads ? Or that the phenomenon of norther lights is a miracle in itself? Or that the castles of ireland are the most hauntingly beautiful in the world?
To live a life with a memory in every corner of the world -- does it not sound the most beautiful thought ever? Also, to have it recorded in words, to be shared with the rest of the world and inspire others to have the same experience -- doesn't that sound the most wondrous of ideas ? That's where the journalism part comes in, where you let your thoughts come out and play in form of words, where the memories stay as pictures and the witty comments below them. Writing lets me express myself in a way I can't do while I am talking. It lets me paint a picture, with the colors I want.
Of course, such a life is not easy. But, isn't the sleep a tad bit more enjoyable when you have actually worked for it or the food a tad bit tastier when you have strived for it? No one has shied away from adversities. It's the lack of passion on an everyday basis which depresses the most.
So, if money was no object for me, I would have been backpacking my way through the world, known and unknown, with my words, putting every tiny detail on the paper. I would make friends with strangers and crash with friendly locals. I would do odd jobs and who knows, probably enroll myself in a university for a writing course or maybe learn baking at a local bakery. Ah! The sense of unknown, the sense of novelty and the exhiliriation that comes with it! The high is better than any alcohol in the world.
Maybe , Billy Bryson is actually living the life of my dreams.
PS: Thank you for the picture Amber! :)
Nice one varsha !
Thank You Deeptesh!! :)
Absolutely loved this one !!
Thank You! :)
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