Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Dark World Of Under Eye Circles

I have had them since i dont know how long. I started getting conscious about them in my first year of college i suppose and as i grew older, my dark circles have been the biggest disgrace on my face in addition to my slanting nose. I spent almost 20-30 k on my kaya treatment on them and got no change. I have searched the net , digged deeper and deeper into the web world to find out one magical solution for the plague on my face. All the web pages begin with how the dark circles are actually formed and it seems whatever i may do, i have almost all reasons for having them on me.
1) Hereditary : seems like i not only took my good english speaking skills from my mom, i also inherited her dark circles and so did my sister. When i asked my mom, she told me that my grand mom had them too and who knows maybe her mom had them too .... so it runs big time in the family. The websites do quote that hereditary dark circles are impossible to remove. So i lost half the battle there.

2) Late nights: Now this, I got from my father. I cannot sleep early. I really cant. Late nights come naturally to me and i cannot even bring myself to try and make an effort to sleep early.

3) Nasal Congestion: Well!! I am known for having a cold everytime in any season of the year. My mom says that when she was preggers with me, she used to have a lot of tomatoes because that was the only thing she felt like eating and she stopped only when ppl warned her that it can affect the health of the baby (Me that is). I suppose the warning came very late and by the time my mom stopped having tomatoes, the damage had already been done. But i don't think that tomatoes are responsible for an overdose of mucus in my body. But doctors tell me that i am allergic to something. i wish i knew what that bloddy thing is so that i can throw it away far far across the worlds! so any kind of allergy becomes a reason for dark cirlces as well and that is my next point.

4) Allergies: As i said i have this too from some unknown thing.

5) Rubbing of eyes: Allergies also cause my rubbing of eyes and hence breaking the capillary tubes underneath the eyes , causing stoppage of blood circulation and things like that. off late i have tried not to give in to the temptation of rubbing my eyes. It is one hell of a difficult task. for a few mins i feel like go to hel, i have to rub rub rub my eyes but then when those painful actually itchy moments pass away, i feel "worth it". But i dont know how long will i be able to do it.

I know i should be very regularly trying some gharelu nuskhas but i am so lazy and so pessimistic that t never give it a try. I try for a few days and then give up because they naturally dont work within a week or so. Hence, I remain the same. However, I do plan to go regular on these tips because they may not make them go away but they may surely fade them. Aloe vera gel did that to me!

I avoided wearing makeup because of two reasons. Firstly i never really thought it was important and i never cared about my looks (earlier) Secondly i thought that i cannot wear make up because my dark circles would make me look all the more ghastly. My sister had suggested using a concealer but i must have been trying a wrong one maybe. Considering i was trying her concealer and since she has a darker skin tone than me, it would never work. I would look silly and even more weird. Yesterday, i searches you tube like crazy on ways to conceal these things and firstly felt good that i am not alone. There was one girl who had dark circles just like mine!!!! but then otherwise she was very beautiful. Anyway, i do have a few tips in my hand now and today, i am going to buy the stuff and try it.
I very very sincerely pray to God that it works because i dont want them anymore!!

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