Saturday, October 23, 2010

You know You are in love when

Varsha's top 5 list of "falling in love" symptoms :

1) When while you go for shopping, you go to men's section (when you are a girl) to check out the latest trends in men's fashion and mind you ... You previously never cared about what was being sold in there! You may also look at a mannequin wearing a particular shirt and think of how is it going to look on "Him"

2) You think about what would "he" say in every situation when he is not around (ofcoure) or you probably bore your friends to death by narrating them similar incidents of "and then he said ..."

3) out of 30 thoughts, he occupies 26 of them.

4) When his opinion matters big time. Say you go out with a group of 6 people (two of you included) 4 ppl tell you that the dress you want is bad and only one person tells you it is great and looks great on you ..and you buy that dress! You are not only getting yourself in trouble (by falling in love!) but you also give those 4 people a juicy and solid reason to raise their eyebrows!

5) When his likes and dislikes become your likes and dislikes .... remember when Deepika Padukone drinks black tea in love aaj kal??? Its like that ....and its HUGE trouble!!

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