Friday, October 1, 2010

I Met John Abraham on 1/10/2010

I hope to keep this blog forever. I will be reading these posts 5,10,15 yrs down and remember with a smile "this is what i was thinking, i wrote this when this happened or that happened" Probably i will show it to my kids and tell them that i was a cool young girl in "my time" and i did manage to have some of my own clinchers. Like yesterday. Yesterday 1st of Oct 2010 was one hell of a clincher day. I saw John Abrahm on this day. I mean truly speaking, i am no silly girl jumping around to met every little star. But it was different with John. I mean i have loved him since ...i dnt remember when. Probably when he cut his hair. Because i remember at one point i used to so hate him and look down upon him as a b grade actor who would do only silly movies which were full of crap. But then my perspective changed big time and then came a time when i was crrraaazzzyyyy about him. And then ...yesterday ... I saw him. He was standing, talking (although i could not hear his voice...silly thick gym glasses), waving, exercising and everything.
And i know why i saw him. I know why i was exactly at the right place at the right time. The law of attraction was big time at work. I had been giving John vibrations to the universe and I got them back!! Yes kids, LOA is reallyy cool! There have been a few small examples in the past where LOA worked. Alright, it was not a meeting of sorts and i just saw him and actually didnt even hear him but thats ok. Really! I may meet him again someday and talk one to one and tell him that i have been around him earlier and then we can be friends and all that. But i am cool as of now.
And if the universe has given me a chance to see john, i am sure my other wishes would be granted too. I WILL have an amazing, fruitful job with great package, I WILL meet someone who will love me and we will be crazy for each other and we will have a fantastic life ( Yes children, I met your dad because i truly believed that the universe will grant my wish. ) and then we will go on world tours, we will go on bike excursions and we will visit disney land during christmas. oh and ofcourse I WILL have my orphanage . oops no ... WE will have our orphanage.
Referring to my previous post ...something about wishes... one wish was to make best friends with John. Lets say, i have an incident to break the ice for future references.
I am sooooooooooooo thankful to the universe for yesterday. I am also thankful for all the wonderful moments which are going to come in my life and for a wonderful life itself. Thank You!! Thank You!! Thank You!!

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