Thursday, April 15, 2010

How are you?

How are you ?? I am "fine" thank you!! How life?? Life is good!! This is what I reply to the two most asked questions. Only the words "fine" and "good" have different connotations. How are you ?? I am "fine" ..hmm ..lets see!! Yes I have a job in IBM so I am fine. But what exactly I do in this job??? I make dashboards!! or pathetic excel sheets. I run scripts which others have made and i have no clue what is written in it! But you see I am fine. On the top of it I work for an Indian client.No onsite!! Wow!!! What do i do then??? I keep looking at other people's albums who have been to all over the world and then crib on my blog. When God created me he easily forgot to give me brains so nothing comes easy. I have to force myself to understand everything. Oh and he did not forget to give me wrong decision making powers!
Nothing ... venting out my frustration here because i know nobody reads it!


Neeraj Pandey said...

this is just to tell you, people do read.

Unknown said...

I may be late but I enjoy your blog posts :-)