Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Confessions of a shopholic!

I dont know when did the shopping bug bite me. I remember how I used to hate shopping. Actually I would hate the confusion and the indecisiveness which came attached to it. So much so that I would never ever shop for my own birthday. Also I was never largely fond of getting dressed up while I was in Bhopal. I would go out to buy something only when I badly needed some dress like when I was growing up in height and hence growing out of my clothes. Till Hyderabad I never had two bags. I never thought about buying one. Even in early Delhi years in fact I never had options for foot wears. I would consider buying these things only when the sole piece which I would own would turn into tatters.
I would buy a lot of t-shirts from Hyd so that it would go with the only pair of jeans I owned. So buying T-shirts/tops started from Hyderabad. I remember the first official shopping spree I went on with Deepika. I was really out of clothes and ended up shopping for around 5k at the City Centre.
But I turned into a shopohloic/shopping maniac when I came to Delhi. I dont exactly remember the series of events which made me one. Probably Neha's fetish for dressing up perfectly rubbed off into me. Slowly I started shopping for more and more and more and now I actually enjoy myself when I dress up and buy stuff. Not only dresses but shoes, bags and soon maybe I may foray into accessories :P :P.
I believe you become a professional shopper when You go shopping when you are alone and you go shopping when you are bored and you go shopping when you are with your friends, are enjoying yourself and had shopped just a day ago. In short it is the only thing you can think of as a source of entertainment.
Now I walk in malls in a state of trance, busy looking everywhere, searching for that perfect store , searching for ideas to mix and match. I have gone as a lonely shopper quite a few times now and ended up getting some decent stuff! First I used to rely a lot on people's opinion. I still do. But now I have gained enough confidence to get something good for me without much help.
After every shopping I promise myself that this will be my last one but somehow it is like this chain reaction which never stops. I still actually have a few dresses in my wardrobe which are still intact with their tag on!
I completely identify with Becky Bloomwood !!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Sixth sense in D-173

A normal day over all but two things happened today which urged me to write today's blog. First I was stuck in this hailstorm. What seemed to be a no show when i left office with just 1-2 drops falling over me turned out the most unbelievable hailstorm. Actually come to think of it I guess this was the first hailstorm I ever saw. The street was white. I was in this shared auto full of people and these hailstones were bombarding over our head and hitting us from the sides. I could not really figure out if this was an awesome experience or an awful one.
Anyway the second incident and the rather interesting/funny one is this. We have a small child who works as a household help. He was absent for 2 days and his mother told us he is unwell. But what she told one of my flatmate was that he has been hearing the sound of a trinket (payal) at our flat and he is scared and hence down with fever. Akriti (my flatemate) found this real weird and asked the boy when he came back. The boy not only told her that not only he did hear some noises but also he feels that someone is following him or that someone has just stood in front of him. He probably claims to be a radar for these unnatural forces it seems because he says that the street dogs always follow him generally and dont give him the way to walk. Now this sounded weird yes but more interesting somehow.
I mean probably this child is hallucinating and dogs loving him extraordinarily could just be a subject totally unrelated to being spooky. But even if I give him the benefit doubt and consider that there is actually something or someone roaming around he/she does mean no harm. I am so sure about this fact because I have been living here since the last 2 yrs and I have never ever experienced anything remotely spooky.
While discussing about the same subject in the kitchen,Sonal said that maybe this child is like the child in sixth sense. Now that thought really gave me goose bumps (not literally though) Not because there may be something eerie going around in the place where I live but because I was reminded of the movie.
I thing sixth sense is theee most scariest movie I have seen. The silences which is so chilling and the casual ghosts walking around!! Ooooof!! I get these shivers down my body when I think of the movie.
Anyway .. Sixth sense may be one hell of a ghost watch but I am sure that there is nothing in the place I live.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

How are you?

How are you ?? I am "fine" thank you!! How life?? Life is good!! This is what I reply to the two most asked questions. Only the words "fine" and "good" have different connotations. How are you ?? I am "fine" ..hmm ..lets see!! Yes I have a job in IBM so I am fine. But what exactly I do in this job??? I make dashboards!! or pathetic excel sheets. I run scripts which others have made and i have no clue what is written in it! But you see I am fine. On the top of it I work for an Indian client.No onsite!! Wow!!! What do i do then??? I keep looking at other people's albums who have been to all over the world and then crib on my blog. When God created me he easily forgot to give me brains so nothing comes easy. I have to force myself to understand everything. Oh and he did not forget to give me wrong decision making powers!
Nothing ... venting out my frustration here because i know nobody reads it!

yeh diya bujhe nai ...

यह दिया बुझे नहीं
- गोपाल सिंह नेपाली (Gopal Singh Nepali)

यह दिया बुझे नहीं

घोर अंधकार हो
चल रही बयार हो
आज द्वार–द्वार पर यह दिया बुझे नहीं
यह निशीथ का दिया ला रहा विहान है।

शक्ति का दिया हुआ
शक्ति को दिया हुआ
भक्ति से दिया हुआ
यह स्वतंत्रता–दिया

रूक रही न नाव हो
जोर का बहाव हो
आज गंग–धार पर यह दिया बुझे नहीं
यह स्वदेश का दिया प्राण के समान है।

यह अतीत कल्पना
यह विनीत प्रार्थना
यह पुनीत भावना
यह अनंत साधना

शांति हो, अशांति हो
युद्ध, संधि, क्रांति हो
तीर पर¸ कछार पर¸ यह दिया बुझे नहीं
देश पर, समाज पर, ज्योति का वितान है।

तीन–चार फूल है
आस–पास धूल है
बांस है –बबूल है
घास के दुकूल है

वायु भी हिलोर दे
फूंक दे, चकोर दे
कब्र पर मजार पर, यह दिया बुझे नहीं
यह किसी शहीद का पुण्य–प्राण दान है।

झूम–झूम बदलियाँ
चूम–चूम बिजलियाँ
आंधिया उठा रहीं
हलचलें मचा रहीं

लड़ रहा स्वदेश हो
यातना विशेष हो
क्षुद्र जीत–हार पर, यह दिया बुझे नहीं
यह स्वतंत्र भावना का स्वतंत्र गान है

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Love or ??

I have a perception --- that there is no love after marriage. It is a scary thought for me. Maybe I am wrong ( which I hope I am) but why is there a mundane feeling which seeps in after marriages? This I am saying irrespective of the fact that whether the marriage is a love or arranged one. Do people really fall out of love especially after marriage? What about people who choose to get their marriage arranged? I mean .. There is no love to begin with and then the couple may fall in love ( because technically they don't have a choice) and what after a few years when the warmth and hunky doriness fades out? I have yet to see a "love is forever" example.
One reason is probably that prior to marriages the lovers are not together and they long to be together. But once they are married and have spent enough time together, they get bored (?) or too habituated for each other.
Why is this love, marriage stuff so complicated at times? Maybe I can find out the answer only when I foray into it. But this is the exact reason why i would want to keep out of this.
Love can make a stranger dearer to me than anyone else. But arranged ? When my parents and his parents will ask us to stay together for an entire life? How will this stranger become dear to me? and his whole family? How will I consider his family as my family? Complications at their height!