Saturday, November 19, 2016

Let me (not) take a selfie!

Before the invention of cell phones with the front camera, there used to be just the camera -- with no cell phone. Before there was pouting, there were candid moments and awkward poses. Most importantly, before there was narcissism, there was capturing a special moment. 

I may sound like a bitter old woman but I miss those special pictures. When I was growing up, looking at the photo album with photographs carefully placed in order of occurrence used to be a special time. Many times someone would say, "There is an interesting story behind this picture!" Today we have moved to, "We were bored so all we did was take selfies while making funny faces." Selfies are good when you meet a friend after ages and there is no one around to take a picture for you. Selfies are good when you have finally finished the crossword and there is no one around to hug you. I hope you get the drift -- selfies are still good when there is a memory to capture. But these days it's just , "Hey ! Let's take a selfie!" Also, a selfie is good only if "you" are looking good in that picture. If a friend demands a re-take because he/she is not captured in a way they would have liked it, you dismiss them by saying, "It's all good. You are looking perfect!" Isn't it? Admit it! The selfie culture is promoting selfishness which is already deep-rooted in our world.

Sigh! Memories have lost their charm. And so has "living in the moment". Go to a concert or a live event and all you find is people recording it on their phones. I stop myself from lowering their stretched out arm and telling them, "Dude! Keep the phone down. First enjoy the moment you are in". I understand Martin Garrix does not come to India every day and that does account for capturing the moment, but if you watch the whole show through your phone then when did "you" see it? And honestly, unless you are absolutely in front, all you are going to record is a sea of thousand heads in front of you and a tiny human being far off on the stage playing music. So just put down the phone! There will be a better quality video on YouTube pretty soon anyway.

I have always wanted a few answers from those who are obsessed with selfies. Here goes :

1) What do you do with so many selfies?
2) Kudos to the self-love but do you know there is a thin line between self-love and narcissism?
3) After you take a selfie, why do you send it to people on Whatsapp who are not in that picture? What do you expect us to do with them?
4) How do you manage your phone memory (I am genuinely curious about this one --even Google Photos comes with a limited memory)
5) What good comes out of pouting?
6) And finally Why.So.May.Selfies!!

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