I found the following questions on highexistence.com and figured it would make an interesting blog post. So here are my answers to the following "thought provoking" questions. They really are thought provoking!!
If you could make a 30 second speech to the entire world, what would you say?
" I have wished for a better world. A world where people never cheat and always love, where anger dissipates in seconds and love lasts forever. I wish my wish comes true!"
If you were going to die at midnight, what would you be doing at 11:45pm?
Spending time with my family and the husband, laughing my guts out over something funny. I would want to die laughing.
How do you really KNOW anything for sure?
When you take a decision and the voice inside you says , "It feels right."
If you had all the money in the world but still had to have some kind of job, what would you choose to do?
Travel Journalist
When you’re 90 years old, what will matter most to you?
To be able to look back and say, "I lived a wonderful life."
What do you regret most so far in life?
Not exploring many options at a young age.
How can you apply the lesson you learned from that regret to your life TODAY?
Grabbing every opportunity NOW!
What would you change if you were told with 100% certainty that God does not exist? Or if you don’t believe in God, that he does exist?
I would not change anything.
If you lost everything tomorrow, whose arms would you want to run into? Does that person know how much they mean to you?
The husband, of course! And yes he does .. I hope he does :)
Do you fear death? If so, do you have a good reason?
Like any lesser mortal , I do fear death. Its probably just the fear of unknown.
What would you change if you knew you were NEVER going to die?
My retirement plans.
If you were at heaven’s gates, and God asked “you why should I let you in?”, what would you say?
"Don't let me in. Lets take a walk outside. We need to talk -- a lot"
When will you be good enough for you? Is there some breaking point where you will accept everything about yourself?
Maybe when I would be earning far more than what I am earning today, be happy and be busy.
What would people say about you at your funeral?
Finally she is quiet!
What small thing could you do to make someone’s day better?
Compliment /Thank him/her with the bottom of my heart.
(If you believe in god) would your relationship with god change it all if you were told with 100% certainty that he was actually a she?
I believe God resides within me. Technically, then, God for me is already a SHE!
What do you believe stands between you and complete happiness?
A sleeping sub conscious
This was fun. What would be your answers to the same questions? Do let me know!
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