Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Writer's Universe

A writer is a no ordinary person and no ordinary person can be a writer. A writer is a creator of thoughts, of words that haunt you, of phrases that makes you think and of stories that live forever. An ordinary person will say, "Its raining outside." A writer will probably say, "The heavens have open up to let down a shower of water droplets that scatter around, play about and then die when they collide with the earth." ( A true writer would probably write it more beautifully.) A writer lives every moment, cherishes every experience, gives words to every thought he has, listens to every one intently. You never know, what words can stay in their minds. A writer observes life very closely. He may just get the right set of words to describe something which an ordinary person cannot think of. He is a choreographer of words. He makes them dance on his tunes. He chooses them carefully, places them wisely and sets them in the perfect environment.
A writer has a hero and a villain living in him. How else could the cruelity of Voldermort and the heroism of Harry Potter be decribed by the same person? He is the ordinary man looking out a busy street from the distance and he is also the man walking on that busy street. He is the surpressed wife and the torturous husband. He is also the child seeing his mother being beaten up everyday.
I was lucky today to meet some 24 odd such extra ordinarily talented writers. I never realised a simple peice of music can open up such huge gamut of emotions. I learnt a lot today in my first ever writers meet up. I learnt that I am NOT, even in my wildest dreams, in a postion to be called a writer. I also learnt that I have a long way to go. So no, I am not discouraged. Infact I loved the meet up so much that I never realised when did time close to 3 hours just flew away! I learnt to listen carefully to people around you. They have so much to offer that you almost feel lucky to have been exposed to another perspective.
I only hope that the next time I would be better. I hope that someday my writing would also be a smooth flow like most of them there. Thank you write club for a wonderful first experience.


Anonymous said...

"A writer is a no ordinary person and no ordinary person can be a writer".
If this is your statement then how do a ordinary person understands something written by an extra-ordinary person. So, whatever the writer pen's down will not be understood by ordinary people, then what's the use of writing.

"Writer has a hero and villain in him". It's with all human beings, it's not just specific for writers.

I feel, you think writing makes you feel extra-ordinary. If that's the feel you have, I am sure your writings will not reach the audience.

Writing should help us to reduce our ego, but if the same writings enriches the ego, then I think it's better to stop writing.

Unknown said...

Hey Shakthi,

Thanks for your comment! I never meant to be egoistic with this post and I dont really consider myself much of a writer :) I wrote this post in awe after having met a group of some seriously talented writers.

"Writer has a hero and villain in him". It's with all human beings, it's not just specific for writers.

Agree with you here but what I meant was that a writer just expresses himself better with the extremes of the sensibilities.

But yes I plead guilty here and I'll make sure I do not sound pompous in my other posts!

Thank you for the feedback! :)