I read Jiah Khan's suicide note today, not able to decide whether or not all of it was true. She spoke about how much she loved someone and how the someone decided to look the other way. She just wanted to be loved. She wanted a future wih a man, which she was denied. So she opted for an option where she would not have to face him , or anyone , ever again. Reading it made me think, is it really worth it? The answer was an obvious no. No! No one is worth going to the length of giving it all up.
Think about it step by step and logically. You meet a person. You start liking him. He also shows interest in you. First you meet in a group, then slowly you start meeting up without friends. You enjoy his company, his jokes so much so that you prefer to ignore many of his displeasing facets. He is a flirt! That is ok you say. He spends a lot of money! Who does not? You say again. He does not talk to me as much as I want him to . He is probably the silent brooding type. You probably smile to yourself thinking you have met someone like Mr.Darcy! Wake up girls! Mr. Darcy does not exist and your life is not a Jane Austen novel. We are talking about people we foolishly fall in love with. Ignore every shortcoming they have and accept them with all out hearts. Because if not this then what is love? Accepting a person the way he is ... right? Wrong!! Completely wrong!
Because we do not realise that in the process of accepting him unaltered we change ourselves completely! Our day starts and ends with his thoughts. The first thing we do is check our phone for a sweet good night message. We find none. We call them up only to hear their sweet voice and instead get to hear just the shrill ring from the other side. Life takes a backseat! Why didnt he call me? Is he mad at me? Did I do something? Say something wrong? Will he like this dress ? I think I should get him a t shirt or maybe that lame ass game CD or that costly fossil watch! We submit ourselves and then even when we get to see the real faces of our "beloved", we can do nothing but cry. Have you ever wondered why you cannot have male friends but on the other hand you would not even know how many female friends your guy would have? All you can do is speculate. "Must be just a friend!" "I am acting too possesive. Should give him some space" All you, my dear friend, would do is swallow up that doubt with a big pinch of salt. But he would choose to act possesive or not at his own will. I can go on and on about such "boyfriends" here. As of now, I have not even started to scratch the surface. But I stop. Because I have more important things to tell you.
I sometimes want to get hold of such girls and shake them till they come to their senses. What do you see in such a guy? I want to ask them. Good looks? Are they not temporary? Is it not the the heart that matters at the end? Why do you want to go through the suffering? What do you exactly enjoy in the tears, the curling up and crying all night? Why cant you not think of times when you had not met him and were happier than ever? Why cant you pick up your life again? What could be so wrong? He is just another guy not giving you enough attention! Why does he still have to be in your thoughts? He at the end of the day was just a human being and not even a good one at that! Allow yourself to hatred girls! Allow yourself to go on and show them that you have a life much better than theirs. Stop feeling like "suffering in silence damsels in distress" and saying "I am incapable of hating him." Instead go out with your head and middle finger held high and show off your abuse word bank to the fuck head!
Do yourself and your family a favor girls. Enjoy some more. Even if firstly you don't feel like it. It is any day better than sitting at home all alone and either googling about sleeping pills or strength testing your dupattats and fans. Nobody and I say this with all my Oprah Winfrey heart (because right now I am feeling like her!) nobody is worth your tears.Nobody is worth obsessively thinking about 24X7! Nobody is even worth a frown on that pretty forehead. You HAVE a life lady and please don't forget that. Live it and love it. Someday , you will look back and laugh at your Devdasini phase. Just don't give up hope until then.
May there be lots of love in this world.
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