There was this team I used to work with. A part of it, I was handling single handed. I was moved out of that team. Part of it was my insistence and part circumstances. Gist being, as I write this now, I am no longer a part of that team. People still come to me with issues from the previous team and I oblige, again, partly out of good will and partly to have the satisfaction of solving a problem. When I was moved from this team to another, there was a FORMAL meeting to plan how things will work. Even after all this, I still get mails keeping everyone in loop, asking me to close defects.
My first reaction was that of anger. "How many times does he need to be told that I don't work in this team anymore" I muttered under my breath! Next , I wanted to do a "reply all" to that mail, stating the same , but worded a tad bit decently. I obviously didn't do that which got me thinking ... "What if we could live in a world where all that a person speaks is the truth and says it with all honesty? Even though it sounded humongously rude?"
Of course, it would be a bad place to live in! But I sometimes really want to do that. Somehow I am not very diplomatic. If I don't like a person, it comes in my behavior and if it is a very bad day for me and the other party, I say something super rude. The best and only solution I have is to shut myself up -- in every way. So I don't show up and even if I do, I don't really talk. And seriously, its better that way .. isn't it? I mean, I will definitely hurt someone if I say something really wrong ..Won't I? And all this may be only because of certain misunderstandings and prejudices I am harboring within me. I might not want to clear those misunderstandings, for whatever reasons, but its better that the other party "assumes" something is wrong in my behavior and bids me a mental adieu. Intelligent people get my clue and side themselves from me and I go on living my life with people I know, love and like.
Honestly, I am not here to get myself loved and liked by every Tom/Dick and Harry and their female versions. All that matters is that I don't hurt anyone in my social filtering process, even if that is the person I hate -- because however bad I can be, I can never smile at someone's tears, especially when I have given them. Thus .. seclusion seems to be the best way out.
Of course I am saying this knowing fully well that such a kind of behavior can render me friendless. But, Is it not better to be alone than be surrounded by people who you don't find worth hanging around with? And as I have always maintained, being alone does not being lonely.
This post is probably the most negative one I have written in days. Something is very very wrong with me!!
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Friday, May 10, 2013
Gippi -- We are like this only!!!

Gippi -- The reviews will tell you that it is a very hollywood movie. You would want to agree on that --beacuse it is. The reviews will tell you that the movie is about teenagers who act like grown ups and this might not go very well with the audience. They will also tell you that not every teen is like what has been portrayed in the movie. You would want to agree on that as well. But there are somethings the reviews will not tell you, which is, if you were not the prettiest topper in your class in school, then Gippi is your story. Gippi is any ordinary girl. She is me! She is no achiever, she does not dress perfectly , she prefers munching on a chocolate cake rather than going to the gym and has her fair share of embarrassing moments. She laughs, gets irritated, falls all over, gets insulted and yet shows up to school the next day!
Gippi reminded me of three things I had completely forgotten. First -- School elections. I actually had to rack my brains to remember how were elections conducted in my school. Second, the doodlings at the back pages of my copies. ( I will still call it a copy, because that's what I have grown up calling it and not notebook , unlike most of you) Since I had no name to make hearts around in my school days (Thank God!!) , I used to do calculations, write funny things, scribble my name and forge Tiwari ji's signature (No, please don't take me wrong. I used to feel proud because I was able to write like him) and last but not the least, the magical, mad feeling of developing a crush. The part where Gippi comes back after meeting Arjun was, in my opinion, the best part of the movie. The foolish smile, that stupid happy feeling for no real reason and that disturbance you feel when someone else talks to you, disrupting your beautiful chain of thoughts -- it all came rushing back to me. The background track for this part, halke se yoon beh raha has become my new favorite song.
The mother daughter moments were extremely believable and beautiful. That, at the age of 14, a daughter tells her mother, "Mom , you can always talk to me", or when she holds her hand when her mother is going through a tough time, goes on to show how wonderful daughters are when they grow up to be the right people. The dialogues, as already pointed out by many reviews are very hollywood-ish, but probably the reviewers forget that this is the way teenagers of 2013 speak. I never ever said "He is so HOT!!" at the age of 14 and had I heard it somewhere, I would have thought that "He" is down with fever! Had I been a 14 year old and met a boy from my school from the XIIth Standard, I would have called him Bhaiyya and would have never ever even attempted to have thought of him in any other way. But that was me growing up in the 90's in a small town of Bhopal and this is Gippi in the 2013, growing up in a hep school of Shimla.
The best part of Gippi is that it reminds you to be yourself. Maybe improve , but never to be someone else. And you know what they say, "When you are happy with yourself, only then can you be happy with others." You may be too fat or too thin, you, like me , might have pined for that "first in class" badge and never got it. You may not be the most talented person around, but you being you makes you the most special!
This movie might not be the best release in sometime,but it is definitely worth a watch, especially if you are a chick flick lover like me!!
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