Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Life lies in shambles,
And it’s been quite sometime since I gathered the pieces
Tonight I come home, tired like always
As I kneel down on the floor to gather the mess.
Those big pieces of expectations – I pick up with some sadness,
This one is by my parents , and the other one is by my beloved.
I don’t know what to do with them … but I keep them still.
Oh here is my dream .. lying around neglected.
I can brush it under the carpet …Its no more required.
I carefully pile up my responsibilities …of a daughter, a wife, a sister, a friend
Hoping I don’t knock them off clumsily like I always do.
And here’s the block or two of my hobbies .. I should keep them carefully.
While shoving away the debris of regret,
I find the pieces of broken promises to myself ,
And some which others handed me
Wondering how important they were a few years back
Now they seem completely useless.
It’s almost beyond midnight
And I am still busy cleaning up the mess that I have been calling life
It sits now …like uneven stones perched above each other
Delicate if ready to fall
But I am a little satisfied.
Maybe, I can start living again.

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