It’s so much easier said than done. Technically, one has to concentrate on the inhale and exhale his/her breathe and think nothing. The last part is the toughest. Now our brain, they say, is divided into conscious and subconscious. The subconscious brain is a like a genie to us. It’ll do what we command it to do without asking anything back. Now I am sure when God came up with this concept, he must have furrowed his brow, scratched his chin and said, “That’s way too easy”. So he gave us a conscious mind and would have told it, “NEVER STOP chattering inside the human’s head. Not until he has really really really done his best to shut you up.” God must have been in some real fun mood that day. Because he added way too much impatience in all of us. So even when we try to sit cross legged, start to inhale the positives and exhales the negatives and search for the coveted subconscious, impatience starts to play its role, of course along with the chit chatting conscious.
So, even when we know meditating is probably as important as finishing 6 hours minimums of sleep cycle, you still feel as if you are taking up a challenge. Another problem is that we expect results in some 10 miraculous days. Even when we know we are not doing it right. It will probably take a year to start scratching the surface of our infinite wisdom once we start meditating. But the good news is that we will be able to explore the unexplored hidden within ourselves. Even if it takes a year or two. It’s better to be thirsty for knowledge than sit in complacency and do nothing about it.
As of now, I take more than 10 minutes to settle down. I lose my patience and feel like giving up every day. As of now I haven’t even started walking towards my true self. I have just resolved to stand up and start walking. But I am sure its good enough. At least as of now.